Also, if the enemy ruler defeats your army before they return into your territory, you lose everything you have collected. The mechanics are similar to many of the multiplayer games where one player attacks the other to loot their stuff. It also increases your prestige along with the gold you pillaged. The gold is added to your coffers once your army returns. After a successful raid, your army will have the gold from the enemy ruler. Once you have your army raised, you can send your army to attack any ruler. Once you are not at war, enter the military menu and find the option at the top named "Raise All as Raiders." This raises your army for battle. You can't raid if your army is already in a war, so you need to be at peace first else the option to raise your army as raiders won't be available. There are two types of raids in CK3 and both have different risks. It also depends on your religion as to what kind of war you can wage. Rulers can send their armies to raid bases or settlements. Raiding means attacking other players to loot their stuff. Raiding in Crusader Kings 3 is a way of gaining gold and prestige at a minimum expense.

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