As it turns out, the person asking him was not a journalist, but a fan! The Petroglyph Games developer has been involved with multiple prior Command and Conquer titles, so it seems inevitable that someone would ask him about whether or not there would be a new Star Wars game made in the same genre. Ted Morris directed the original Empire at War, and his name has recently popped up in the spotlight with last year’s announcement that the original Command and Conquer game, along with Command and Conquer: Red Alert, would be getting 4K remasters. However, it does not seem like this is the end for Star Wars games in this format, as the director of Empire at War has discussed the possibility of making a sequel to the game with Electronic Arts, who currently have an exclusive license to make Star Wars games until the end of 2023. Not only are we working on Star Wars Battlefront Commander but we are also working on a mod called Shattered Empire set in the 30 year gap between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens but it's not only about adding in thing that are canon in that 30 years it's also pulling from Legends or the EU and even adding some of our own ideas into the mod that maybe aren't in canon or legends.Star Wars is a genre that’s been well-suited for the real-time strategy (RTS) genre, so it’s weird to think that the last time that it’s been done in a computer game format was with 2006’s Star Wars: Empire at War and that game’s expansion, Forces of Corruption. Skirmish will be a whole knew gameplay style while Galactic Conquest will be left intact but will have a new style to it. It aims to bring you huge battles on both land and space that will make you feel like your playing battlefront but in a RTS element. Star Wars: Battlefront Commander is the ultimate mod for Star Wars: Empire at War - Forces of Corruption and will bring the all - time favorite battles from Star Wars Battlefront 1, 2 and the cancelled Star Wars Battlefront 3. By you supporting this mod it means you want to help test out the mod before updates go live and not just getting it early,helping the mod be the best it can be.It also will not only allow us to work on the mod even more but help us if something happens to our computers.